CST 300 Fifth Week Journal

CST 300 Fifth Week Journal

OLI Module 6 and 7

OLI Module 6

    I learned that it is important to recognize conflict as soon as it starts and before it starts to escalate. Some signs of conflict are body language, tone of voice, and disagreements. It is important to take people on the team seriously when they have a concern. People that bring up issues or notice conflict are not causing it. Instead, they are providing an opportunity to deal with the conflict appropriately before it escalates.

OLI Module 7

    I learned that each conflict style (avoiding, forcing, accommodating, and compromising) can be used strategically depending on the situation. Avoid when the relationship and goal are not important to you. Force when the stakes are high while making sure not to burn bridges that you might regret later. Accommodate when the goal is of little importance and you care about the relationship. Collaborate when both the goal and relationships are of high importance, but remember this takes a lot of time and energy to do. Compromise when a win-win cannot be reached in a situation where the goal and relationship are important.

Week 5 Learning Journal

Part Two: Possible Capstone Ideas

    1. Library website/application. I like the idea of helping a local library modernize their systems. Could include database of books, ability to check out, reserve, drop off, request books.
    2. Learning application for children. Maybe teaching the basics of computer science, algorithms, and data structures.
    3. Recipe Recommendation application where dishes are recommended based on the ingredients you have in your kitchen.

Part Three: Learning Journal

    This week, I learned about recognizing conflict. It is important to recognize conflict as soon as possible. There are four conflict styles. There is no "best" conflict style. Instead, each conflict style is used based on the situation. For example, a situation where the stakes are incredibly high, such as bodily harm, require a forceful conflict style. The OLI course had a great example of such a situation. A teammate is helping you with building a booth. He is sleep-deprived, noticeably so. Building the booth requires the use of power tools, so you decide to tell the teammate that he will not be doing the next shift. This situation warrants the use of a forceful conflict style because keeping your teammates safe is of the utmost importance.
    This module contains information on writing an argumentative essay. We went over loaded words (pest : loaded, insect : unloaded) as well as logical fallacies. Logical fallacies are common mistakes in reasoning that may seem reasonable to a casual reader or listener. Examples include: hasty generalization, slippery slope, and strawman. Slippery slope is one that I think most parents employ at one point or another, with good intention. "If you don't get good grades, then you won't get into a good college. Not getting into a good college means you'll work a low paying job. Working a low paying job means you won't be able to take care of yourself when a medical emergency or other emergency arrives. Not being able to pay for those emergencies will leave you homeless. This is why you should get good grades." This is a slippery slope argument. A chain reaction will take place, but there is not enough evidence to justify the strong causal links being claimed in the chain reaction.
    We've been given a chance to review the capstone projects for the class of Fall 2020. There are many impressive projects. The video game, library web application, pet records website, and fitness tracker caught my attention. It has given me some idea of what level of project will be expected from me by the end of this program. Thankfully, I have a great deal of time to prepare. As of right now I have some ideas listed above that I would be interested in.
    This module introduced two extra credit discussion posts and one extra credit book review. The first discussion post is on internships. This module contains some great information on internships. There is also a sample internship resume that I will be using to create my own resume. I am planning on interning during my time at CSUMB. I hope to make some progress in this when I have some more free time. I have already talked to my school's career counselor. They have helped me with questions that I have had as well as understanding how to find internships on Indeed.com. The second discussion post is about graduate school. I was able to read the article on the pros and cons of graduate school. It is something that I am interested in, but maybe farther down the line. I feel that it may become something that I consider more seriously once I get more established in my career. I would mainly be considering graduate school in order to increase my earning potential. The extra-credit book review is something that I want to complete. I am stuck between two books. Either The Power of Habit or The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. After doing a bit more research on these two books I will be able to make an informed decision on which would benefit most at the moment.


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