CST 300 Sixth Week Journal

 CST 300 Sixth Week Journal

OLI Module 8 and 9

Module 8

    In module 8 of OLI, we learned about active listening. In order to solve conflict both sides must be understood. To understand someone that you may disagree with it is important to intentionally employ aspects of active listening. This means that you are listening and able to summarize the other person's perspective. It is important to do this not only so the other person feels heard but also so that you can fully understand their position in order to find a solution. Here are the things you should and shouldn't do when active listening.

Module 9

    In module 9, we learned about assertion messages. Assertion messages are messages that are delivered during conflict in order to clear define the problem in an effective way. 

Assertive messages contain three features:

1) Objective description 
2) Emotional response 
3) Explanation of the situation's impact

An example of this would be "I feel upset when I am told that I am not grateful if I eat food that I don't like. It makes me want to avoid any events that include food that I may not like.

Assertion messages are important for clearly stating what the problem is as well as its impact. This gives the other party a chance to see the situation clearly and make the appropriate changes.

Learning Journal

Part 1: Capstone Ideas

    Our team discussed possible capstone ideas through chat. One member was thinking of making a video streaming app, but needed ideas. Another teammate suggested this website to help with idea generation. Sharpen Design. As for my capstone, I am still thinking about what I want to create. After using Weebly to create my ILP portfolio, I think it would be fun to create a website builder of my own. 

Part 2: Learning Journal

    This week one of our assignments was going over the syllabus for our next class, CST 338: Software Design. I am excited to start coding. We will be coding in Java using OOP principles. During Module 6 Lecture we watched a video talking about what companies are looking for in new hires.

Here are the 10 things they are looking for:

1) Dependable
2) Communication
3) Problem-solving
4) Teamwork
5) Proactive
6) Integrity
7) Flexible
8) Confidence
9) Learn
10) Technical Skills

We went over paraphrasing in this lecture as well. It is important to restate someone's thoughts into your own words and properly cite them. This shows that you understand what is being communicated. 

Here are 4 things you can do when paraphrasing:

1) Read and understand the passage
2) Change grammatical structure
3) Change from active to passive voice or vice versa.
4) Use synonyms

    Our team has created a Google doc where we can collaborate on our video presentations. Our team was assigned the topic of genomics. This is the study of genetics (DNA) and how technology may be used to alter it. We are assigning roles to each team member to keep things organized.

    The career guide gave many examples of resumes and cover letters. Cover letters are individualized for each company that you send them to. They are a short introduction of yourself. It is considered more formal to send a cover letter along with a resume. Resumes should highlight your skills, education, and experience. You want to pique the interest of the person reading your resume. To do this it is important to use keywords. Here is a great list of keywords for resumes and letters provided to us by CSUMB. Keywords


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