CST 300 Fourth Week Journal Lecture: Week 4 Part 1: Educational Goals I plan to obtain my bachelor's degree in computer science from California State University of Monterey Bay (CSUMB). I plan to pass my classes with high grades (A's and B's). I will do this not only because it will make me look better as a candidate for employment, but because I want to gain as much knowledge as possible from these classes. I hope to gain extensive knowledge and experience in software engineering. I plan to successfully complete an internship as a software engineer during my time at CSUMB. I plan to complete a capstone project during my time at CSUMB in order to gain experience and knowledge in software engineering. I also plan to show this project to prospective employers in order to show them my competency. Part 2: Career Goals I plan to obtain a job in the software engineering industry making at least 40k per year by the start of 2026 . Around this time, or may...
CST 300 Fifth Week Journal OLI Module 6 and 7 OLI Module 6 I learned that it is important to recognize conflict as soon as it starts and before it starts to escalate. Some signs of conflict are body language, tone of voice, and disagreements. It is important to take people on the team seriously when they have a concern. People that bring up issues or notice conflict are not causing it. Instead, they are providing an opportunity to deal with the conflict appropriately before it escalates. OLI Module 7 I learned that each conflict style (avoiding, forcing, accommodating, and compromising) can be used strategically depending on the situation. Avoid when the relationship and goal are not important to you. Force when the stakes are high while making sure not to burn bridges that you might regret later. Accommodate when the goal is of little importance and you care about the relationship. Collaborate when both the goal and relationships are of high importance, bu...
CST 300 Eighth Week Journal OLI Post-Test This week we took the same test on OLI that we took at the beginning of our course. There were interview questions such as, "Do you prefer to work in groups or alone?". The post-test also contained situational questions that asked how we should respond. I remember taking this test at the beginning of the course and feeling confident in my answers. Taking the OLI course in its entirety made this post-test feel easy. There were a few questions where I remembered that my old answer may had differed. Learning about conflict recognition, conflict styles (and when to use them), active listening, and assertion messages helped me answer these questions better than before. This course has given me practice with the skills that I picked up throughout the years. OLI has also given me the language and vocabulary to understand these skills better. Overall, I am incredibly grateful for this learning experience. Week 8 Learning Journal Post...
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