
CST 338 Week 4 Journal

 Week 4 Learning Journal Wk04: Learning Journal Markov     Here is a link to a Google Document containing my answers for the Wk04: Learning Journal Markov assignment. Wk04: Learning Journal Markov

CST 338 Week 2 Journal

 CST 338 Week 2 Journal HW 01: Jotto     The Jotto assignment was challenging and fun. I don't recall any unit tests that were challenging to pass. I focused mainly on creating the Jotto program so that it would mimic the demo given to us in the prompt. Doing this meant that the unit tests passed after I fixed some formatting issues. I formatted it based on how I would have preferred the text to be spaced out, but that caused some issues with the unit tests. Debugging those formatting issues was as simple as seeing which test was failing, checking which line in particular wasn't passing, and then changing my code slightly so that it would pass. The getLetterCount method was the most challenging but satisfying to complete. It was challenging because I chose to create the method so that it could account for multiple characters in a string. I did this by creating an ArrayList of Strings. This list would then hold the substrings of 1 character each from the original string. I found

CST 338 Week 1 Journal

 CST 338 Week 1 Journal Homework 2: CodingBat (String 2, Map 1, Functional 1)     When given a prompt, I thought of what tools I had at my disposal. If nothing came up that seemed useful, then I would go over the functions and methods at my disposal. For example, with strings I would create an example string in IntelliJ . Then I would look at all of the methods I had to choose from to see if anything could be useful for solving the problem. After finding a promising method, I would search how to use it. Then I practiced using that method in IntelliJ. Once I felt that I had a good grasp on the method I would use it in solving the problem.     Another thing I would often do is break the problem down into parts . I would solve these parts in IntelliJ using print commands to the terminal to check my progress as I created the solutions. I had to do this once I created a solution in CodingBat, but it didn't work 100%. In order to debug, I had to break the problem down and work on it par

CST 300 Eighth (Final) Week Journal

 CST 300 Eighth Week Journal OLI Post-Test     This week we took the same test on OLI that we took at the beginning of our course. There were interview questions such as, "Do you prefer to work in groups or alone?". The post-test also contained situational questions that asked how we should respond. I remember taking this test at the beginning of the course and feeling confident in my answers. Taking the OLI course in its entirety made this post-test feel easy. There were a few questions where I remembered that my old answer may had differed. Learning about conflict recognition, conflict styles (and when to use them), active listening, and assertion messages helped me answer these questions better than before. This course has given me practice with the skills that I picked up throughout the years. OLI has also given me the language and vocabulary to understand these skills better. Overall, I am incredibly grateful for this learning experience. Week 8 Learning Journal Post Par

CST 300 Seventh Week Journal

 CST 300 Seventh Week Journal OLI Module 10     This week we practiced our conflict communication skills. These skills include: conflict recognition, active listening, and assertion messaging. We practiced our skills in a simulated situation by watching a video and answering questions on the best way to move the situation forward. Then came the time to practice those skills with our team in real time. The role-play assignment came with team roles. I decided to be the observer that awards/removes points based on each member's performance with regards to active listening, conflict resolution/management, and assertion messages. I was able to listen to my team collaborate on a project. We utilized the skills we learned in OLI, and the role play went well with no conflict and the creation of a plan of action for how to move forward. Week 7 Learning Journal Part One:     My team met this week (2/17) at night to collaborate with each other on the Research Video Project. We collaborated th

CST 300 Sixth Week Journal

 CST 300 Sixth Week Journal OLI Module 8 and 9 Module 8     In module 8 of OLI, we learned about active listening. In order to solve conflict both sides must be understood. To understand someone that you may disagree with it is important to intentionally employ aspects of active listening. This means that you are listening and able to summarize the other person's perspective. It is important to do this not only so the other person feels heard but also so that you can fully understand their position in order to find a solution. Here are the things you should and shouldn't do when active listening. Module 9     In module 9, we learned about assertion messages. Assertion messages are messages that are delivered during conflict in order to clear define the problem in an effective way.  Assertive messages contain three features: 1) Objective description  2) Emotional response  3) Explanation of the situation's impact An example of this would be "I feel upset when I am told